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Rolling survey-based research to measure public sector employees’ views on integrity, misconduct risks, and institutional change


All public sector employees who participate in Integrity Commission training (either face to face or through our online module) are invited to participate in our Integrity in Public Service survey. The survey includes training evaluations, plus additional questions to track long-term change in the public sector. Survey topics include prior integrity training, perceptions of misconduct risks, integrity in the workplace, organisational listening, reporting and identifying misconduct, workplace pride and respect, and trust in government.

The data collection is an opportunity to:

a) collect relevant information for immediate feedback to public sector organisations, providing intelligence to assist their understanding of employees’ perceptions and behaviours around integrity and misconduct;

b) inform the development of Integrity Education Plans that will provide a framework and commitment to an organisational program and curriculum aimed at preventing misconduct and promoting integrity, implemented by organisations with advice and assistance from the Commission, and

c) inform research and theory development at the Commission regarding the demographic profiles and risk factors for misconduct (for publication and to be shared with organisations).

This page was last updated on 09 Jan 2023.